
Honeybee Gut Health Could be Key to Colony Survival

AUSTIN, Texas — Honeybee populations have sharply declined around the world in recent years, confounding scientists and posing a grave threat to agriculture.

Now, University of Texas researchers may have discovered a way to reverse the trend.

Writing in the new issue of the journal Science, the team wrote that it had genetically engineered strains of bacteria that live in honeybee guts; there, they pump out medicines that protect the bees from Varroa mites and deformed wing virus — two chief culprits of colony collapse, a phenomenon that occurs when the majority of worker bees in a colony disappear.

The findings have “direct implications for bee health,” said Nancy Moran, a professor of integrative biology and the primary investigator on the study.

The stakes are high. Bees are a key player in the food chain. During a single day, a female bee may visit several hundred flowers, depositing pollen along the way; roughly a third of our food chain is the result of pollination. Austin alone has about 180 species of bees.

According to the American Beekeeping Federation, honeybees contribute nearly $20 billion each year to the value of U.S. crop production, and they play an enormous role in global food production. The California almond industry, for example, requires approximately 1.8 million colonies of honeybees to pollinate nearly one million acres of orchards.

But bee colonies have been beset by disease and die-offs. According to a national survey, beekeepers lost nearly 40% of their honeybee colonies during the 2018-19 winter, the highest rate reported since the survey began 13 years ago.

One of the suspects is the Varroa mite, a parasite spread in recent decades from East Asia to the U.S.

The mite is “considered the biggest problem in beekeeping today,” said Mary Reed, chief apiary inspector of the Texas Apiary Inspection Service, an arm of Texas A&M University, “The reason is that they can vector viruses. If we didn’t have honeybee viruses, the Varroa mite would just be considered a nuisance. If mite levels get too high, they can weaken the immune system of a single bee and of a whole colony.”

After feeding on a honey bee host, the adult female mite reproduces by crawling off her host into a cell with a bee larva. Offspring then alternate between feeding on the larva and defecating on the side of the cell. While the mites do not kill adult honeybees, they can weaken and shorten individuals’ lifespans and ultimately will kill the colony by outcompeting their host. And the mites are vectors of numerous viruses including deformed wing virus.

While the background causes of particular instances of colony collapse disorder remain “a contentious issue under investigation,” said Sean Leonard, a graduate student and lead author of the study, “mites are an increasingly severe problem” over the past couple of decades that are contributing to high bee mortality rates.

The UT team _ which involved at least eight other professors and students _ engineered one strain of bacteria to target the virus and another for the mites.

Engineering the bacteria to “knock down” genetic targets in bee bodies, Moran said, the researchers found that compared with control bees, the bees treated with the strain of bacteria targeting the virus were 36.5% more likely to survive to day 10. Meanwhile, Varroa mites feeding on another set of bees treated with the mite-targeting strain of bacteria were about 70% more likely to die by day 10 than mites feeding on control bees.

“This is the first time anyone has improved the health of bees by genetically engineering their microbiome,” Leonard said.

The team introduced modified bacteria to hundreds of bees in a laboratory setting. Sprayed with a sugar water solution containing the bacteria, the bees groomed one another and ingested the solution. The team found inoculating young worker bees with the engineered bacteria led the bees’ immune systems to be primed to protect them against deformed wing virus _ essentially acting as a vaccine _ and caused the mites’ own immune systems to fight against and ultimately kill them.

Writing an accompanying commentary in Science, Robert J. Paxton, a zoologist with the Institute for Biology at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg in Germany, writes that the approach is “effective, long-term, potentially cheap, and easy to apply.”

The approach could “provide a solution to many of the honey bee’s woes” and provide a way “to dissect the molecular intricacies of honey bees and their societies,” Paxton said.

But there remain major hurdles to any widespread rollout of the bacteria as a vaccinelike solution.

Leonard said it remains an open question how the genetically engineered bacteria will perform in an actual hive, where social behavior among the bees could differ from inside the lab. “How they’ll perform in an actual hive we don’t know: it might be better or worse,” he said.

And because the bacteria are genetically modified, any manufacturer or distributor of the bacteria will first have to pass through regulatory hoops, Moran said.

“These species of bacteria occur only in honey bees,” said Moran. “They are not going to jump into butterflies or other insects or anything else. They’re very restricted. They aren’t going to invade the environment in some way that concerns people.”

The type of bacteria used are highly specialized to live in the bee gut, can’t survive for long outside of it and are protective for a virus that strikes only bees. Still, further research will be needed to determine the effectiveness and safety of the treatments in agricultural settings.

News about research like this is “always good to hear,” said Charles Reburn, co-owner of Bee Friendly Austin, which operates in Southwest Austin and sells bee hives, wax and honey.

Having worked with Texas A&M University researchers, “I know what it takes from initial study to getting something marketed,” he said. “It takes a lot to get out of the lab and into the field. If it comes to testing, sign me up.”

A Varroa mite, a common pest that can weaken bees and make them more susceptible to pathogens, feeds on a honeybee. University of Texas
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Groundbreaking Mushroom Research Gives Hope to Bees

Bees are dying. In massive numbers. Termed colony collapse disorder, the die-off counts among its causes a parasite chillingly named Varroa destructor. A flat, button-shaped, eight-legged critter no more than 2 millimeters long, varroa mites invade the hives, latch onto their prey – the innocent honeybees, and literally suck out the bees insides like body-snatchers, transmitting devastating viruses into the hive in the process.

The worst of these diseases is deformed wing virus, believed to be one of the largest contributors to colony collapse worldwide. Named for the shrunken and misshapen wings that develop in affected bees, DWV robs bees of their ability to fly, undermines their immune systems, and shortens their lifespan to just a few days. The sicker a bee is, and the more useless its wings, the fewer plants it pollinates. Even worse, the flowers an infected bee does manage to visit become contaminated by the virus, which then results in the infection being passed on to the next bees that visit that plant. As if that wasn’t terrifying enough, beekeepers currently know no effective way to combat the virus.

But in a study in Nature Magazine, researchers including Paul Stamets of Fungi Perfecti present evidence of a surprising solution to DWV: mushrooms, specifically easy to obtain and inexpensive amadou and reishi varieties of mushrooms. The discovery has implications not just for honeybee populations, but also the food systems, economies, and ecosystems that rely on bees being healthy, such as the huge almond growing industry of central California.

The mushrooms in question belong to the genera Fomes and Ganoderma, more commonly known as amadou and reishi. The former grow on trees in the shape of a horse’s hoof. The latter have long been prized in traditional medicine circles and are a frequent sight at Asian markets and health food stores. Both varieties of mushrooms belong to an order of fungi known as polypores, extracts of which have been shown in numerous studies to possess potent antiviral properties against dangerous infections like HIV, pox and swine flu viruses.

“I wanted to see if those extracts had a similar antiviral effect in bees,” says Paul Stamets, the study’s lead author. A prominent mycologist, the author of Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms, and a passionate proselytizer of all things fungal (his TED talk, “6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World,” has been viewed millions of times), Stamets has long suspected that bees derive some benefit from mushrooms.

He recalls a scene from his backyard in July of 1984—the first time he noticed bees from his personal hive flying back and forth to a pile of fungus-coated wood chips. The bees, he says, were sipping droplets of liquid that had oozed from the mushroom’s mycelium, the fuzzy white network of cobwebby filaments through which fungi absorb nutrients.

At the time he figured the droplets contained sugar (fungi break down wood into glucose). “But then, a few years ago, I had an epiphany—a waking dream, actually, ” Stamets says. What if the bees were getting more than a shot of sugar? He began to wonder if they were in fact self-medicating.

Join Paul Stamets’ “Save the Bees” mailing list by emailing

Honey Helper

We enlist the expert help of Hilary Kearney to watch our hives and harvest our honey as we aren’t in Southern California very often. She is wonderful, super knowledgeable, and can be a great resource for anyone needing help with bees in San Diego area or just with information in general. She runs classes, writes an excellent blog, and has a good instagram account. Check out Girl Next Door Honey!

July -September- Hives are Humming, then 2&3 die abruptly

We inspected the hives on July 4th and July 20-22nd, unrecalled dates in August, and September 14th


Hive 1:


  1. queen looked healthy
  2. many drones
  3. original frames look very full, but little or no expansion/wax creation on adjacent frames
  4. no wax yet above queen excluder
  5. curious removal of plasticell at perimeter (bottom) of new frames

Hive 2:

we had fed hives 2 & 3 “Brood Builder” – they seemed to really enjoy it

  1. saw queen, looked healthy
  2. 1/2 new frame had wax buildup

Hive 3:

Comparison July 4-20th


7/20 Hive 3 (small hive):

We saw queen:

We had two friends observing, Joanne:


and her daughter, Julia:

We saw activity on one new frame:

On 7/21, we noticed bees in the house and garage, being aggressive.  The problem appeared to come from the fact that we accidentally left the top-feeder, filled with sugar water, between hives 2 & 3, open, overnight. Thousands of bees were in the sugar-water, many dead and more attracted to it. We weren’t sure if they were our bees, or others. Hive 2 seemed to be experiencing vigorous robbing behavior. We covered the entrances to Hives 2 & 3 overnight.


Hive 1:

outer 4 frames still not built out:

September 14 Hive 1

July 22 Hive 1


Main Frames

September 14:

July 22

Inner frames:

Hive 2:

Outer frames not much on them:

Inner small frames we accidentally used are very full. These were the frames we partially filled with comb from when we captured the bees in the irrigation box. The bees have fully filled out the frames:

and the bees are forming their own comb below the frames:

We found the queen and she looked healthy and productive: