Summer Solstice Beehive Check

We checked our two hives on June 21st and found they were both doing very well. Interestingly, our left hive has surpassed the right one in status even though we established this hive about 3 weeks after the right hive. There are more capped honey frames filled in the left hive than the right. We also notice more bees in the top honey super on the left than the right. Also, the bees in the left hive drink their sugar-water supplementation about three times as fast as the bees in the right hive


showing the golden honey in the sun


note the small section of capped honey on top

We’re not sure if it’s the reason why the left hive is more robust and is growing faster, but the bees in the left hive are also much more aggressive than the bees on the right. Could they have a touch of Africanism, we wonder?


left hive: large capped area


right hive – less honey capped so far

More photos of the honey build up in the top supers of our hives:   DSC04598_1024  DSC04600_1024 DSC04587_1024DSC04591_1024DSC04590_1024 DSC04592_1024

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