Transferring Nucs into Langstroth Hives

It was nice to see our queens in our nucs. Here is one laying eggs.


Can you find the queen on the frame below?

IMG_1488_1024Hint: she’s about 1/3 of the way down, and 2/3 of the way over to the right.

Below are more photos of the overwintered frames of bees from our two nucs, as we put them into their new homes.  More in a few weeks when we see how they’ve expanded. We are giving them each 4 frames to grow into and lots of supplemental sugar to grow on.

IMG_1486_1024  IMG_1484_1024 IMG_1483_1024 IMG_1482_1024  IMG_1480_1024           IMG_1469_1024  IMG_1467_1024 IMG_1466_1024 IMG_1465_1024  IMG_1463_1024  IMG_1461_1024  IMG_1459_1024   IMG_1456_1024  IMG_1455_1024 IMG_1454_1024 IMG_1453_1024            IMG_1495_1024 IMG_1494_1024

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